Time for Tanka!

Capturing moments in 31 syllables.

Clouds should sell secrets… May 22, 2009

Filed under: Tanka — Sun Tzu @ 10:03 am

Sad eyes cast upwards.
Secrets said in a hushed tone.
The clouds know too much!
I wonder if they tell you
what I cannot say myself.


Been awhile since anyone’s posted! I’m guessing it’s the instability of the times right now. Some of us looking for jobs, some of us trying to settle down in a new place, some of us with formalities to attend to while ONE of us has to prance his tooshie for a gay director. I wont name names. My excuse? Probably all of the above except the tooshie plus the fact that I really have not been inspired until last night.


It really is easy to make me happy! May 7, 2009

Filed under: Tanka — Sun Tzu @ 9:57 am

This is happiness:
Lots of hugs from a close friend,
KFC for lunch,
private dance parties at home
and promises of summer.

Mmmm… KFC


First touch May 6, 2009

Filed under: Tanka — Sun Tzu @ 10:32 am

I am left speechless.
Her prescence so close to mine.
Leaning against me
for two seconds, a moment,
but in my mind, forever.


I thought it was summer! May 4, 2009

Filed under: Tanka — Sun Tzu @ 5:55 pm

The clouds come again,
filling my heart with sorrow.
Where have you gone sun?
Why dont you shine through the haze?
Did you not want to see me?

I get really affected by the weather apparently.


There’s Doins Afoot April 30, 2009

Filed under: Tanka — Newcombe @ 6:20 pm
Tags: , ,

I’ve been thinking about,
As David Bowie would say,
And I find it helps to sing.
Worries in tune aren’t that bad.


Chocolate cupcake! April 26, 2009

Filed under: Tanka — Sun Tzu @ 8:49 pm

Chocolate cupcake,
you make me oh so happy.
Your decorations
are appealing to the eye
while your taste is just pure NOM.


Almost done! April 25, 2009

Filed under: Tanka — Sun Tzu @ 1:51 pm

Everyone is done!
Yet here I am, studying.
The sun taunting me
with the promise of fun times,
if only I can hold out.




Marginalia April 23, 2009

Filed under: Tanka — Victoria @ 4:31 pm

Bothers and annoys me so
Blue-black bruises
Scrawled remnants of other hands
Slash inky wounds on the page


What’s even worse is that the marginalia are so seldom enlightening and/or amusing.



Filed under: Tanka — Sun Tzu @ 1:39 pm
Tags: ,

Not too long ago,
We were wearing scarves and toques.
Now I look outside,
The scene is still blinding white,
but instead of snow, its light.


Yay! I do love wearing my shades! 😀


Small people

Filed under: Tanka — Newcombe @ 12:38 pm

People are like ants
When you’re in a high building,
Looking down below.
I wonder where they’re going
And to what higher purpose…